
Depending on which component of MICO you want to test, there are different ways to do that. Usually the local testing of the MICO backend or the MICO dashboard with access to the Kubernetes cluster are the prefered ways:

Local testing without cluster

This is only an option if you don’t need the Kubernetes API. Be aware that all calls made by mico-core to the Kubernetes API will cause an exception.

Use docker-compose to start mico-core, neo4j and redis as the database:

docker-compose up --build

To only start neo4j and redis use

docker-compose up neo4j redis

Local testing of the MICO backend with access to the cluster

With this approach you are able to test and debug mico-core locally. Furthermore you are able to connect the Neo4j browser to a local instance (simple way to view what’s going on in the database). It is required to have kubectl installed on your system. If you don’t have kubectl installed yet, you should do that now. For more information see Setup.

Start Neo4j and Redis locally. The easiest way is to use docker-compose:

docker-compose up neo4j redis

To start mico-core locally there are basically 3 ways:

  • Use your IDE (e.g. IntelliJ IDEA), to be able to debug mico-core (recommended)

  • Use maven to build and start mico-core:

    # Build mico-core with maven without executing tests
    mvn -B -f mico-core/pom.xml clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
    # Start mico-core with the profile `dev`
    java -jar -Dspring.profiles.active=dev mico-core/target/mico-core-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • Use docker-compose to start mico-core within a Docker container. This approach is currently not an option because kubectl and a proper Kubernetes configuration is missing in the Docker image.

Per default mico-core uses the Spring profile dev (set as active in application.properties). The dev profiles configures mico-core to use the Kubernetes namespace mico-testing as the target for the Builds and the namespace for the resulting MicoServices. This namespace must include the Kubernetes Secret and the ServiceAccount for the authentication to DockerHub. To create the namespace mico-testing alongside the required resources, you can use the script /install/kubernetes/test-setup-only-build-environment.sh.

Last but not least you should provide a way to connect to Prometheus. This is required if you want to retrieve the status of a deployed MicoApplication and its MicoServices. The easiest way is connect to the running Prometheus instance inside your cluster by establishing a port-forwarding:

kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus -n monitoring 9090:9090

Testing mico-core

To make requests to the locally running mico-core you can either use mico-admin (start it also locally) or make requests with curl or Postman. Some Postman collections are already provided. See the Postman section for more information.


You can connect to the remote interface of Neo4j via http://localhost:7474/browser. In the Neo4j browser you are able to use the Cypher Shell and execute cypher statements.

Get all:


Delete all:


Local testing of the MICO dashboard with access to the cluster

mico-admin needs access to mico-core. You have two options:

  • Start mico-core locally (see section above)

  • Access mico-core in the Kubernetes cluster by using a port forwarding:

    kubectl port-forward svc/mico-core -n mico-system 8080:8080

    Be aware that you make requests to mico-core inside of the cluster in the namespace mico-system. If you want to test with an own instance of mico-core, consider to create an own namespace like described in the following section Testing in cluster with own namespace. Even then you are able to use a local instance of mico-admin and access mico-core inside of the cluster. If you have choosen e.g. the namespace name mico-testing-1337 you are able to access mico-core by using the port forwarding kubectl port-forward svc/mico-core -n mico-testing-1337 8080:8080.

See the README of mico-admin for information how to start it locally.

Testing in cluster with own namespace

Note: This approach is not practical anymore because of the required resources. Use a different approach.

To be able to test in an exclusive environment, you can deploy MICO in a separate namespace inside the cluster. For this purpose the script /install/kubernetes/test-setup-all-in-own-namespace.sh in the MICO repository can be used.


Prepare yourself to enter a name for the test namespace (e.g. mico-testing-1337) as well as your credentials for DockerHub.

Now you are able to execute the interactive setup script install/kubernetes/test-setup-all-in-own-namespace.sh.

The Neo4j database needs ~5min until it is ready. You can check the current status with

kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE} --watch


mico-admin gets after some seconds a public IP. To watch the service for changes use

kubectl get svc mico-admin -n ${NAMESPACE} --watch

To get the external IP directly use

echo $(kubectl get svc mico-admin -n ${NAMESPACE} -o 'jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')

You can use the IP to access the dashboard in your browser.

mico-core can’t be accessed from the outside. You can either use kubectl proxy or kubectl port-forward to get access into the cluster:

  • kubectl proxy --port=8080


    curl localhost:8080/api/v1/namespaces/${NAMESPACE}/services/mico-core/proxy/applications
  • kubectl port-forward svc/mico-core -n ${NAMESPACE} 8080:8080


    curl localhost:8080/applications

If you really want to expose mico-core to the outside, you can change the type of the Kubernetes Service to LoadBalancer:

kubectl patch svc mico-core -n ${NAMESPACE} --type='json' -p '[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/type","value":"LoadBalancer"}]'

Afterwards you can get the external IP of mico-core by using

echo $(kubectl get svc mico-core -n ${NAMESPACE} -o 'jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')

Update Kubernetes deployment in cluster

To update a single deployment you can change the Docker image of the specific deployment. Use this approach only in your separate namespace.

Example with deployment mico-core:

# Build a new Docker image (change tag name e.g. to the corresponding issue number) and push it to DockerHub
docker build -f Dockerfile.mico-core -t ustmico/mico-core:42-fix-api . && docker push ustmico/mico-core:42-fix-api

# Set the image of the Kubernetes deployment
kubectl set image deployment/mico-core mico-core=ustmico/mico-core:42-fix-api -n ${NAMESPACE}

# If there was another image set, the pods of the deployment will automatically be restarted with the new image
# If the image was already set, you must restart the pod manually
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE delete pod $(kubectl get pods -n $NAMESPACE --selector=run=mico-core --output=jsonpath={.items..metadata.name})

Clean up

If you are finished with testing, delete the namespace:

kubectl delete namespace ${NAMESPACE}

Testing in cluster with Telepresence

Telepresence is a tool to debug Kubernetes services locally.

For Windows users: Telepresence basically supports WSL, however some important features are missing (see Windows support). Therefore I wasn’t able to get it running in my environment.


Installing Telepresence:

curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/datawireio/telepresence/script.deb.sh | sudo bash
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends telepresence

Usage with local mico-core

Build mico-core with Docker:

docker build -f Dockerfile.mico-core -t ustmico/mico-core:localbuild .

Swap the Kubernetes deployment with the local Docker image:

telepresence --namespace mico-system --swap-deployment mico-core --docker-run \
  --rm -it ustmico/mico-core:localbuild

Usage with local mico-admin

Build mico-admin with Docker:

docker build -f Dockerfile.mico-admin -t ustmico/mico-admin:localbuild .

Swap the Kubernetes deployment with the local Docker image:

telepresence --namespace mico-system --swap-deployment mico-admin --docker-run \
  --rm -it ustmico/mico-admin:localbuild


Check current configuration

mico-core offers some additional endpoints that are part of the Spring Boot Actuator plugin.

To get the current configurations have a look at localhost:8080/actuator/configprops. To format it and save it into a file use e.g.

curl localhost:8080/actuator/configprops | python3 -m json.tool > configprops.json

Or as an alternative with jq:

curl localhost:8080/actuator/configprops | jq . > configprops.json