Google Kubernetes Engine

MICO was developed with the Azure Kubernetes Service but is also tested with the Google Kubernetes Engine.

First steps

To connect to the cluster you need two command-line tools:


Use gcloud init to get started and to create a new project (e.g. ust-mico).

Check if the correct project is choosen:

gcloud config list

Set your default project:

gcloud config set project ust-mico

Set your default compute zone:

gcloud config set compute/zone europe-west3

Ensure that billing is enabled for the project: Learn how to enable billing.

Configure kubectl to connect to the cluster (more information):

gcloud container clusters get-credentials ust-mico-cluster

If you use kubectl to connect to multiple clusters, it’s useful to use multiple contexts. To switch to the automatically created context of the MICO cluster, use

kubectl config use-context gke_ust-mico_europe-west3_ust-mico-cluster

Check the current context:

kubectl config current-context

Cluster details

Current cluster:

  • VM: n1-standard-2 (2 vCPUs, 7.5 GB RAM)
  • Nodes: 3 (1 per zone)
  • OS Disk Size: 45 GB
  • Location: westeurope
  • Kubernetes version: 1.12.6

Cluster creation

Create cluster:

gcloud container --project "ust-mico" clusters create "ust-mico-cluster" --region "europe-west3" --cluster-version "1.12.6-gke.7" --machine-type "n1-standard-2" --num-nodes "1" --enable-cloud-logging --enable-cloud-monitoring --addons KubernetesDashboard --enable-autoupgrade --enable-autorepair --maintenance-window "02:00"

For more information see Creating a cluster.

Prerequisites for using Role-Based Access Control:

To be able to install MICO, it’s required to grant the user the ability to create roles in Kubernetes. This is a prerequisite to use use role-based access control on GKE. For more information see the GKE instructions.

Grant permission for the current user:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --user $(gcloud config list account --format "value(core.account)")

Cluster deletion

Delete cluster:

gcloud container --project "ust-mico" clusters delete "ust-mico-cluster"

Cluster management

Public Access

Create static IP address:

For a stable, public access to the MICO dashboard, a static IP address is recommended. This IP address with the name mico-dashboard-ip was generated by:

gcloud compute addresses create mico-dashboard-ip --region europe-west3

Get the assigned IP address:

gcloud compute addresses describe mico-dashboard-ip --region europe-west3

Public static IP address:


The dashboard of mico-admin is accessible via