MICO Setup

This section covers the setup of MICO. The current Kubernetes development environment is deployed to a Kubernetes cluster created with the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). It is described in Azure Kubernetes Service.



To install MICO to your Kubernetes cluster you can use the interactive setup script install/kubernetes/setup.sh from the MICO repository. It will install all MICO components and its requirements to your cluster that is configured through kubectl. You can find more information about the script in the official README.


The development of MICO is driven by the monolith-first strategy.

MICO consists of

  • Frontend: mico-admin
  • Backend: mico-core

It requires the third-party components:

  • Neo4j
  • Knative Build
  • Prometheus
  • kube-state-metrics

For each component there is an own Kubernetes configuration file (YAML) placed in the directory install/kubernetes. They create the following namespace and deployment structure:

  • kube-system
    • kubernetes-dashboard
    • kube-state-metrics
    • metrics-server
  • mico-system
    • mico-admin (frontend)
    • mico-core (backend)
    • neo4j-core (database)
    • redis (database)
  • mico-build-bot
  • mico-workspace
  • knative-build
    • build-controller
    • build-webhook
  • monitoring
    • prometheus-core
    • kube-state-metrics
    • alertmanager
  • kafka
    • kafka
    • pzoo
    • zoo
  • openfaas
    • gateway
    • faas-idler
  • openfaas-fn
    • custom functions

The most of the mentioned components are Kubernetes Deployment resources. neo4j-core, redis, kafka, pzoo and zoo are Kubernetes StatefulSet resources to be able to store the data persistently. The Neo4j is a graph database and is used to store all MICO resources. Redis is a key-value database and is used to store the background jobs.

At the beginning the namespaces mico-build-bot and mico-workspace are empty. mico-build-bot is used for the build processing of the Docker images using Knative Build and Kaniko. mico-workspace is used for the deployment of MICO services. Via labels they are composed to MICO applications.


mico-core requires super-user access to perform privileged actions on other resources. To give full control over every resource in the cluster and in all namespaces we use a ClusterRoleBinding. The configuration file mico-cluster-admin.yaml creates such a ClusterRoleBinding for the ServiceAccount “default” in the namespace mico-system that is used by mico-core.


A deployment of a MICO application contains several steps:

  1. Build container images for all included MICO services
  2. Create Kubernetes Deployments and Kubernetes Services:
    • MICO Service → Kubernetes Deployment
    • MICO Service Interface → Kubernetes Service
  3. Create interface connections

1. Build

Container images are build by kaniko as part of the MICO system inside the Kubernetes cluster. Kaniko itself runs as a container and is triggered by Knative Build. Kaniko builds the image based on the given Git clone URL, the Git revision (in our case always the release tag) and the path to the Dockerfile inside the Git repository (per default “Dockerfile”). After the build Kaniko pushes the image to the given Docker registry (per default DockerHub). The Build resources and the build Pods are created in the namespace mico-build-bot. The build name is created by mico-core based on the name of the MICO service and its version with the prefix build- (e.g. build-hello-v1-0-0). The build pods get the same name with a random suffix (e.g. build-hello-v1-0-0-pod-50b30d). The name is important because subsequent builds reuse existing Build resources if they have the same name.

mico-core waits 10 seconds and checks if the build is finished. Subsequent checks follow in a 5 seconds cycle. We consider a build as finished if the build pod has the phase Succeeded or Failed. If the build was successful the specified image name is stored as part of the MICO service entity in the database.

2. Kubernetes Resources

After all builds are finished, the required Kubernetes resources will be created or updated:

  • MICO service → Kubernetes Deployment
  • MICO service interface → Kubernetes Service


The names that are used for the Kubernetes resources are based on the names of the respective MICO resources (MICO service or MICO service interface) plus an additional random string with 8 alphanumeric characters. Examples:

  • Kubernetes Deployment (name of the MICO service is hello): hello-qluhya8o
  • Kubernetes Service (name of the MICO service interface is http): http-aopii3eg


Each Kubernetes Deployment and Kubernetes Service gets the following 4 MICO specific labels:

  • ust.mico/name:
    • The name of a MICO service
    • Example value: “hello”
  • ust.mico/version
    • The current version of a MICO service (semantic version)
    • Example value: “v1.0.0”
  • ust.mico/interface
    • The name of a MICO service interface
    • Example value: “http”
  • ust.mico/instance
    • The unique name of the MICO resource to be able to identify the associated Kubernetes resources
    • Example value: “hello-s6djsekw”


If a MICO service is already deployed (by another application) a scale out is performed (increasing the replicas) instead of recreating the Kubernetes Deployment.


For the creation of a the Kubernetes Deployment the following service deployment information are used:

  • Replicas
  • Labels
  • Environment Variables
  • Image Pull Policy


The name of the created Kubernetes Deployment and the Kubernetes Services are stored as part of the MICO service deployment information in the database. That’s necessary to know, whether the deployment was already performed with this specific service deployment information (that means that this MicoApplication triggered the deployment). If these information are not given, but the MICO service is already deployed, it’s considered to be deployed by another MICO application.

3. Interface Connection

To be able to connect different MICO services with each other, mico-core creates environment variables with the DNS name of the interface of the other MICO service to connect with. These environment variables are applied on the Kubernetes Deployment of the MICO service. The information that are required for such an interface connection is part of the service deployment information and consists of three properties:

  • the short name of the MICO service to connect with (e.g. spring-boot-realworld-example-app)
  • the name of the MICO service interface to connect with (e.g. rest)
  • the name of the environment variable used by the frontend (e.g. BACKEND_REST_API)