How To add a service

To add a new service click on the new Service button in the dashboard or the service overview.


Manual service creation

To create a service manually fill in all the fields in the dialog:



Short Name must be all lowercase, contain only (latin) letters, numbers and the character -. Also the fist character must be a letter.

Version must consist of three numbers formatted like in (semantic versioning).

Importing a service from GitHub

Open the GitHub tab in the dialog and enter the url to the github repository.


The UST-MICO Organization on GitHub has two example repositories that you can import directly.


In the next step you can choose to import the latest or a specific version.


The import from GitHub feature only works if the repository has releases that match the semantic versioning schema! It is also necessary to include a dockerfile in the root folder of the repository.


You can also choose a specific release to import.


After adding the service

You will be redirected to the service detail page, if the service was added successfully.


In the top right corner you can select the services version which is displayed.

Right below the service name on the left, you can delete this specific service version with the delete version button. Further, you can create the next service version, if the currently selected version is the latest. Thereby, the next version number (next major, next minor, next patch) can be selected. The new version will be a copy of the previous latest version with an updated version number.

On the right side you can find a button to Edit the service and Buttons to add service interfaces Provides and to add dependencies Dependees to this service.
