How To manage a service


Manage service interfaces

The service interfaces are used to map the open ports of the service docker container to ports of the Kubernetes service.

To add a new service interface click on the Provides button in the service detail page.



At least one port must be provided per service interface!


Exposed Port Number is the port that will be exposed in kubernetes.

Target Port Number is the port exposed by the docker container.


For this tutorial the following assumptions are made:

The service UST-MICO/react-redux-realworld-example-app has an interface frontend with Exposed Port Number 80, Target Port Number 80 and type TCP.

The service UST-MICO/spring-boot-realworld-example-app has an interface backend with Exposed Port Number 80, Target Port Number 8080 and type TCP.

After adding a interface to a service, the detail page should look something like this:


To edit a service intervace, click on the text of the service interface.

To delete a service interface, use the trashbin icon right beside the service interface.

Manage service dependencies

To add an existing service as a dependency to this service, use the Dependees button.

You can then select the service (and the specific version of that service) that you want to have as a dependency.


If you have added a dependency, the name of the dependency will show up below the Dependees button.


You can directly go to the detail page of a dependency by clicking on the name of the dependency.

To remove a dependency, use the trashbin icon right beside its name.

You can also view the whole dependency graph for the service in the Dependency Graph tab.


In the dependency graph you can directly change the version of a dependency if the dependency is directly connected to this service (the blue service node). To change the version of a dependency click on its version number and choose a different version in the dialog.


Changing the dependency graph may break existing applications that use this service.